Friday, August 5, 2011

Three years of Tucker

Ah. Wow. Yes, I'm two weeks late with this. Yes, I have another child who is about to have a birthday and I will probably be late with that one too. But it's never too late to remember a fun day, right?? Right.

Tucker is THREE!! (and as a side note, whoever coined "terrible twos" didn't have a three-year-old) We had a fun day with my family, Zack's family, and a few of Tucker's friends. I am no professional party planner, but we had a fun time in a festive atmosphere, and that's all I really expect of myself. :D

So my brilliant plan (with a sort-of-a-basketball theme) for the cake was to make a bundt pan chocolate cake, and turn it into half a basketball. I had this great silicon bundt pan that was very non-stick. Unfortunately, it was also non-bake. Meaning the outside burns while the inside is pudding. Guess it doesn't get hot enough??? Not cool! So into the trash can that went (pan included). My midnight-hour redo was a simple 9x13 sheet cake that I oh-so-cleverly turned into a basketball jersey. What? You can't tell that's a jersey???? hahahahahaha. At least it was yummy. :-)

The truth of life when you're young -- your friends are the kids of your mom's friends. :-) Meet Susan and Amber, two of my dearest friends.

And their wonderful husbands who can be seen doing what dads were made for... holding babies while Mom eats. :D

We ended up with quite a spread of food! My fabulous mother-in-law barbecued some chicken legs. We had loaded baked potatoes, rotel, and various other goodies including some yummy pretzel-Reese's-pb-M&M-all-melted-together deliciousness.

Uncle A.K. Never dull :-)  (Willow and Paisley making a lovely cameo in the corner)

Wow, Tucker, you sure do have a lot of people who love you!!


What a blessing to have Tucker in our family! I am not joking when I say he is more work than both girls put together, :D but he is so full of spunk and excitement and exuberance. He bounces out of bed every morning, ready to take the day by the horns. Literally. I knew when I was pregnant with him that "Tucker" (as in "tuckered out!") was going to be the right name for him, and he definitely lives up to that!

Here is a picture captured by Aaron that totally encapsulates Tucker.

We love you, boy!! :-)

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