Thursday, June 17, 2010

Jump Zone

Sooo much fun! They just bounced and played for an hour and a half!

Camp Day!

Today was such a full, fun day! I decided that we would have lots of playing while Zack is gone, so we won't miss him TOOO too badly (though I still am!). So this morning when the kids got up, we went to Jump Zone in Bentonville. Mom went with us, and the kids had a total BLAST jumping everywhere, falling down (constantly!!), and sliding.

After JZ, Mom took us to Olive Garden! We got the bottomless soup, salad, and breadsticks. Yum!! We were all sooo tired we collapsed in bed and all took 3-hour naps! Perfect!!

Posted via email from lubsy+3

Monday, June 14, 2010

Full day!

I got a LOT of work done this morning! So when the kids woke up, we went to the library and then to CiCi's to get pizza! I have a lot more on my list tonight... Feeling productive! :-)

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Spaghetti dinner

Chick-fil-a with Nannie

Slumber Party

A lot of girls came over tonight for a "slumber" party, and we had a great time! Susan, Audrey, Renee, Christina, Rebecca, Sara, Amber, Carla, Rachel, Adriel, Alaina, Krystal were all there. So much fun! We also did a remake of "The Little Mermaid." Too much fun! And now I'm just going to bed... :-)

Zack, Sara, and Tucker's slumber party with Annie

Andy's, the creek, and a new table!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Zack and I had a little mini date night tonight. We left the babies with mom for an hour or so and went and got some ice cream! I think Coldstone is my favorite..... yum!

Wrestling at Mawmaw's


This is what we have to look forward to in the not-to-distant future, I'm sure. She sure is a cutie though!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swimming at the Blevins house

We had a great time today swimming in Daniel's pool! Tucker took a couple of dunks but recovered quickly :-) The kids loved the boat and had to be convinced to take turns. We played with Riley, Silas, Daniel, and Gideon, and Trey, Justus and Liberty came over later.

Tucker wasn't a huge fan of being on his own, so he mostly stayed near me. We had our picnic lunch and played for so long that the kids didn't get to bed until after 3:30!

Sara is in the back praying, thanking God for getting to go to Daniel's house :-)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Who doesn't love free ice cream?!

Andy's Custard gave away free ice cream today! Zack had a loonnng, arduous day of mowing, so some cool refreshing ice cream was the perfect pick-me-up.

They were generous too! The standard was a double scoop, so we had to request reduced portions for the kids.

We sure made a mess! But free ice cream on a summer night -- it doesn't get much better than that!

Cooking Day

I made lots of mixes today, ready for mixing and baking.

I made:
• 6 cornbread mixes
• 4 waffle mixes
• 2 pizza dough mixes
• 4 whole wheat bread mixes
• 8 pints of spaghetti/pizza sauce

It'll be so nice to have all of that stuff ready to grab and go!

The process sure was a mess...