Monday, June 27, 2011

Menu Monday

Here's what we're eating this week! Go here to see lots more menus.

Weekly Menu Plan

Jun 27 - Jul 3

It's gonna be good! :-)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Keeping busy

I told Zack I was going to party the whole time he is gone so I won't have time to miss him.

But. Wow! What a busy day! We started out at 9:30 this morning (UNHEARD OF for me) by going to Rick's with Amber and Abby. Fun times! My kids have never gotten to just explore the case and pick whatever they wanted. They were in heaven! Sara picked sprinkles and Tucker picked a cinnamon butterfly :-)

Then we went to Eva's house (where Abby nannies) for more fun! My kids had so much fun playing with Eva's toys, they were crying when we had to leave!

Paisley and Gavin (only days apart in age)

THEN we went with Annie for BBQ sandwiches and cake at the new Briar Rose bakery/Damon's BBQ in Farmington. So yum! And that place is adorable.

BBQ (on garlic butter toast. Yes!)

Chocolate peanut butter cake

Cuteness everywhere

Tonight will be laid back I think! I'm TIRED! I was up every hour last night checking my phone to see if I had any word from Zack. He's safely in China now. No more long scary flights... For a week or so at least. =\

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Good-byes :-(

Today started out kinda sad. We all got up way too early so we could get Zack to the airport by 8:15. Didn't make it on time, but fortunately he made his plane with no problem.

Bye, Tuck!

Kisses for Sara

And Paisley...

He's going to be gone for 12 days!!! If it weren't for the fact that my wonderful mom is coming for the WHOLE TIME, I would definitely be in the loony bin by the time he gets home.

The evening was spent playing and eating. Mom and Ryan were here. Putting the kids to bed without Zack was HARD. I'm starting to realize just how much he does around here.

Getting back

I really want to get back into blogging! As long as I have to do it from my computer though, it won't happen. So I bit the bullet and bought the BlogPress app for my phone. I'm hoping it's going to work for me! I mean, after all, I've gotta keep up with this cute thing!

Sara was so funny last night. Her AWANA class was having an awards ceremony. They were all on stage singing their song and saying their verse and motto. Sara stood up there like a dear in the headlights! Then later, she recited everything for me. Ha!

Zack leaves for China today! *sob* Sure gonna miss him. Fortunately, my mom is coming to stay with me the WHOLE time. Couldn't survive without her I'm sure.