Thursday, October 28, 2010


Today is definitely a beautiful fall day!! We went with some friends to Gulley Park and the wind was downright chilly!

Sara is getting to be such an independent little girl these days -- there's practically nothing baby left in her! That's so exciting and a little sad all at once.

Even with eyes closed this is a cute picture! Sara is an amazing big sister -- I'm so proud of her! She comforts and looks after Tucker and Paisley, and sets a good example of obedience (most of the time ;-)

Tucker is ALLLLLL boy. Everything is a ball! And sand is meant to be dumped on friends' heads. *sigh* But he is a barrel of laughs and I wouldn't change him one bit. He is in a fit-throwing, 2-year-old stage right now, but overall he really is obedient and affectionate.

I love my babies so much!!! I am so grateful to get to do fun things like take them out to pizza and to the park. Being a stay-at-home mom is the best! :-)

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I can't believe Paisley is already old enough to try out the Bumbo! She did a great job!! She looks so tiny in it :-)

I'd say she was pretty happy about it! :-)

Amazing how 6 hours of sleep can feel like 10!

Friday, October 22, 2010

A Night of Changs

For Zack's birthday last month, his mom got him a gift card to PF Changs. It's one of his favorite places, but that's out of our typical date night budget. :-) It was a total treat to get to go!! My mom kept the two older kids, and I timed Paisley's naps so she would (hopefully) sleep the whole time (she did, good girl). Doesn't my hubby look cute with his beard?? :-)

Egg rolls. Yes, please.

Lettuce wraps. I wasn't too excited from the name, but I'm glad Zack ordered them. They are the most popular item on the menu for a reason! The waiter told us that on Saturdays, there is one worker whose sole job is to make lettuce wraps.

Zack's dinner: Changs' Spicy Chicken

I wanted to branch out a little without risking too much. The waiter suggested Double Pan Fried Noodles. Delicious! But sooo much food. I probably only ate 1/3 of it.

It was so fun and yummy!!! And the drive to and from Rogers was great talking time too. We are grateful to our moms for enabling the evening! :-)

Sara saw...

... a picture of Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty and said, "Ooh she's grumpy! She need a hug?" Sweet girl :-)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

All three kids asleep and the house is (relatively) clean! I'm afraid to move in case I break the spell.


Paisley was crying pretty good and Sara looked at me with a very funny, serious face and said, "Why her crying SO much??" I laughed and told her I didn't know. She shook her head and said again, "Why her so SOOOOO sad??" It was hilarious!!

Got the cricket!

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IMG_3396.MOV (987 KB)

So I am terrified of bugs. I don't want to pass that on to my kids though, so I act like it's a fun thing if we ever see a bug. There was a (dying) cricket on the floor in the kitchen this morning (which I was NOT going to deal with!), so I called my 3-year-old in to do it, ha!! She excitedly held the dustpan while I swept him into it, and then took it outside! My hero(ine)!!!!

Park day!

Today was a beautiful day for a park visit, and we took full advantage! We went to my mom's house and drove over to the park nearby. A picnic lunch and some swings -- hard to beat!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Not-so-lazy Sunday

Something must be backwards in my world, because Sunday is anything but a day of rest! Today was especially hectic because Zack had a violin lesson to teach at 1:00 at his mom's house. The kids and I didn't have time to go home, so we just went and ate some bueno tacos down the street at... you guessed it... Taco Bueno. Mmmm!! Combined with 2 church services and choir practice, Sundays just plain wear me out!