Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Amazing story

Something really weird just happened. For the past few months, Sara has desperately begged to sleep with a night light. If it goes off for any reason while she's sleeping, she wakes up scared and crying "Where's my light??" (On a side note, I have no idea why this is. It was a very sudden onset.)

As we were going to bed tonight, Zack noticed that her light was off. We were surprised that she would have turned it off, but went on to bed. As I laid there, trying to fall asleep, something about the light just didn't seem right to me. There is no way she would have turned it off voluntarily. No way. Maybe the breaker was flipped?

I was spooked enough (because I'm easily spooked) to nudge Zack and ask him to check the breaker. When he went to the garage, he found the breaker was fine... But the garage door was open, begging for burglars to come steal our stuff, or worse. If her light had been on, we would have never known about the door. Did God turn the light off?

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