Monday, November 8, 2010

3 Months Old

Paisley, you're three months old today! You are my joy!! You are such a good, happy, easy-to-please baby. You are already on a pretty consistent schedule. It looks something like this:

6:00 am — Wake to eat
6:30-9:30 — Sleep
9:30 — Wake, eat, play, swing
12:00 pm — Take a 30-40 minute nap
12:45 — Wake, eat, play
3:00-6:00 — Nap

Then for the rest of the evening you will be mostly awake, with one or two short snoozes in there. Around 9:00 pm you will get fussy to eat one last time and go to bed for the night. You typically sleep for 7-8 hours, waking around 6:00 am to start the cycle over. :-)

You pretty much never cry "for no good reason," as your Nanny says. You have lots of happy waking hours.

I still can't have eggs, milk, or ice cream or else you get extremely gassy and uncomfortable (which reads, you don't sleep well!). While this isn't fun, it's WELL worth the exchange for good sleep.

You make such funny faces and smile ALL the time. You are just the light of our lives! Your sister and brother love to give you kisses and comfort you when you're crying. Tucker will say (loudly), "You're ok, Paisley! You're OKAY!!!" Sara copies Mama and says things like, "Oh baby! I'm so sorry! It's ok!" :-) I can't wait to see you toddling around after them.

You weigh about 12 pounds. You're a petite little girl, just like your sister. And soooo pretty!! I just love your little smile. Your papa calls you his Peso. You can't escape without a nickname from him. At least yours is better than your sister's at this age -- he called her Critter. :-)

You fit right in to our little family, and we are so grateful for you.

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